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Tag: Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD)

ESD programmes white paper – assessing SMME impact

There is a problem with Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) programmes in South Africa. We are finding out the nature of the problem and what can do about it. South Africa has a strong financial and capacity development landscape for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs).

Strategy harmonisation for sustainable SME growth

In the landscape of South Africa's corporate engagement within rural and peri-urban communities, a recurring narrative persists: a bias towards non-core Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) programmes and interventions overshadows the essential need for holistic, forward-thinking ESD strategies to boost small business growth.

ESG and B-BBEE – driving sustainable transformation

With over 13 years of working in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) space, we have witnessed an evolving landscape of transformation. From verifying compliance to fostering inclusivity, his path has taken him from corporate corridors to government initiatives.

B-BBEE Commission explains its investigation process

The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission (B-BBEE Commission) has published a notice explaining how a complaint about fronting may be lodged and how it will respond. The B-BBEE Commission recently published an explanatory notice on its fronting investigations. It may investigate fronting on its own initiative or as a result of complaints received.

EAP versus sectoral versus B-BBEE targets

Since President Ramaphosa signed the Employment Equity Amendment Bill into law on 12 April 2023, there has been significant commentary - from positive to strongly negative - of the impact the amendments may have. Much of it has referred to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) changes when there have in fact not been any amendments in terms of B-BBEE.

SOEs don’t have to abide by B-BBEE – why preferential policies...

After years of sustained pressure especially from organisations like Sakeliga, the government relented in November last year and promulgated regulations stating that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) no longer have to comply with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), requirements when awarding government contracts.

B-BBEE Commission releases 2021 national status and trends report

The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission’s latest report on empowerment trends shows a decrease in overall black ownership, as well as in black women ownership. The B-BBEE Commission has released its annual trends report for the 2021 calendar year.

Business incubators are a B-BBEE win-win opportunity

When the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act was introduced in 2003, the goal was to meet specific economic transformation goals by creating an environment where more black persons could be part of the ownership, management, procurement, and skills development process to drive socio-economic development.

Mitigating the perceived risk of Enterprise and Supplier Development partnerships

While we talk often about established suppliers having the benefit of economies of scale, we don’t talk enough about the benefit of agility that corporates can tap into through smaller suppliers.

Meaningful industry-wide enterprise and supplier development

Unemployment rates in and around mining communities increase annually, with limited new job opportunities emerging. Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) is of national importance and can unlock significant organisational value.


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