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Tag: employment contract

Employee disability benefit claims – employer responsibilities and benefit options

Employee benefits such as a retirement fund, healthcare insurance, medical scheme membership, group life and disability benefits are pre-negotiated and agreed upon as part of the employment process and contracting. Typically, these benefits remain in place until the employee-employer relationship concludes through resignation, dismissal, retrenchment, retirement or death.

Opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence in the hospitality industry

Global tourism has begun surpassing its pre-COVID-19 peak. South Africa remains a popular tourist destination with the hospitality sector contributing significantly to its gross domestic product (GDP). Competition in the hospitality industry is intensifying, making the marginal and not-so-marginal gains offered by artificial intelligence (AI) a vital consideration for any hospitality operator.

Efficient global payroll services for international businesses

Expanding operations across borders is becoming the norm in the modern business landscape, but with this expansion comes the challenge of managing payroll on a global scale. It’s a complex and crucial task that involves navigating diverse regulations, juggling multiple currencies and ensuring accurate payments to employees worldwide.

Beyond 60 – judgment upholds right to work & challenges retirement...

A recent judgment by the Labour Court confirms the current untenable position that many working-class South Africans find themselves in - being unable to retire comfortably at the standard retirement age, thus necessitating working beyond retirement.

Extended notice periods – are they enforceable?

You’ve just received your dream job offer, but there’s a catch. You need to start the new job in a month’s time, but your current employer requires you to give three months’ notice.

Beware cancelling concluded employment contracts

The courts have found that the employee is protected by labour law from the moment the employment contract is concluded even if the employee has not yet started work. For example, in the case of Wyeth SA (Pty) Ltd vs Manqele (People Dynamics, September 2003 page 39). Manqele was offered a position by the employer as a sales rep.

Understanding and overcoming repudiation in employee benefits

Having a financial safety net in place through employee benefits can provide some much-needed reassurance that you and your family are protected if the worst happens. But, did you know there’s more to consider when looking into employee benefit plans other than what is offered?

The validity, enforceability and settlement of restraint of trade undertakings

In many cases when employers hire executive level, management or key employees, there is a recognition that these hires can impact the success of the business, due to the individual's recognition in their industry, or knowledge and experience, or client and customer relationships, or a combination of all of these qualities.

Are unemployed South Africans the victims of unfair labour laws?

If jobseekers in South Africa currently had the right to freely enter voluntary contracts with employers at wages and on conditions acceptable to both parties, the country would not have mass unemployment. Figures recently released by Statistics SA confirm the statement by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) that at 29.8 percent South Africa had the highest unemployment rate in the world. At 4.9 percent the USA had the lowest rate.

Offers of employment – don’t take risks

Employers are reminded to avoid providing offers of employment if the relevant recruitment processes or details of a vacant post have not been finalised as a valid employment agreement may still be created and enforced through offer and acceptance.


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