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Tag: donations tax

Why an estate plan & a financial plan need to co-exist

When we think about estate planning, we think of a plan outlining a tax-efficient way to deal with our assets when we pass away. Instead of viewing this as a ‘death plan’, try to think of it as a ‘life plan’ – a strategy created during your lifetime to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled, and that your loved ones benefit as intended after you pass away.

Draft Tax Law Amendments – what you need to know

On 31 July 2023, National Treasury released their annual draft tax law amendments, for public comment. Although still at the draft stage, there are some pertinent proposed changes for which the supporting systems have already been implemented i.e., the “Beneficial Ownership Registers”.

Budget 2023: Inflation – the invisible taxman

Inflation is the increase in prices over a specific period and which leads to a reduction in the purchasing power of money. The correlation between inflation and purchasing power is important because sometimes we are fooled into thinking that just because an amount increased, like your salary, your purchasing power remains the same.

2020 Budget Predictions

As we approach Budget Speech Day on 26 February 2020, many people are wondering what kind of rabbit Finance Minister Tito Mboweni is going to pull out of his hat this year. Most commentators will talk about ‘bracket-creep’, sin taxes and an increase of 1% to the VAT rate. But the Minister needs to start becoming a little more creative.

Trusts still relevant for asset protection, estate planning and retirement planning?

A trust is a legal arrangement, where assets are held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (beneficiary) as instructed by the owner (trustor/settlor). Recently many people have started to question the usefulness of trusts, given that the tax benefits afforded to trusts in the past, have eroded over time.

Determining the donations tax threshold

Subject to any applicable exemption, donations tax is payable on the value of any property disposed of under any donation. With effect from 1 March 2018 an amendment to section 64(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (the Act) introduced a dual system for donations tax.

How to use donations effectively in an estate plan

The saying goes that we should pay Caesar what he is due and not what he demands. To achieve this in tax planning, estate planners use donations as one of the ways in which to effectively and legally help individuals reduce the taxable values of their estates. Donations of up to R100,000 per year can be used to reduce estate duty.


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