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Tag: death certificate

Rise in unnatural death insurance claims – how do these claims...

There have been reports regarding the rise of non-indemnity claims stemming from unnatural deaths. This is certainly worrying for life insurers. This is particularly concerning because life insurers have had to entertain several claims in the past couple of years due to COVID-19 related deaths, and subsequently, the July 2021 unrest and the 2022 Durban floods.

COVID-19 and funerals: what is the legal position?

One day after the declaration of the lockdown, the Mpumalanga High Court was approached on an urgent basis by Mr Karel Willem van Heerden (the applicant). The Applicant sought the Court's permission, despite the President's declaration of the lockdown and the various travel bans that have been implemented as a result thereof, to travel to the Eastern Cape in order to support his mother at the funeral of his late grandfather.

Your crypto key… a grave matter!

Alex Simeonides | Founder and CEO | Capital Legacy | mail me | Whether it’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin or Monero, your cryptocurrency fortune could be lost forever if...


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