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Tag: credit management

Trade & insolvencies – impact of macro-economic & geopolitical dynamics

With an economic growth forecast of only 1.6% over the next three years for South Africa, businesses are facing a tough trading environment, exacerbated by the impact of geopolitical tensions, disruptive new technologies, persistent weather catastrophe threats and failing public infrastructure and services.

Why trade credit insurance matters

South Africa is currently experiencing challenging political and economic conditions, which has a direct impact on the financial and trading performance of businesses. Vulnerabilities to external shocks have also converged at the worst possible time in our post-pandemic economy, with the impact rapidly manifesting in financing becoming more difficult to secure, more expensive and dwindling foreign direct investment.

How to rehabilitate your credit record as a tenant

In the wake of the pandemic, many face the reality of their meticulous credit records being negatively affected by the whirlwind of last year’s economic instability. Landlords and tenants alike have been affected due to income loss, leading to missed bond payments, downsizing and, unfortunate, if unavoidable evictions.

Employee wellbeing affects the bottom line

There has never been a more critical time than now for employers to celebrate worker’s month by providing their employees with structured wellbeing programmes with a particular focus on financial wellbeing that can ultimately affect the bottom line if not managed effectively.

The gig economy and side hustles boost incomes in difficult times

Many people around the world are turning to the gig economy and side hustles to make ends meet, especially as the economy continues to take further knocks from the COVID-19 pandemic. Cash strapped South African consumers are taking strain from debt collectors with limited options to manoeuvre their existing budgets but very few have spotted the opportunity or potential of the gig economy.  

Manage your credit before it manages you

The COVID-19 crisis is having a profound impact on South Africa’s economy with the GDP forecast to contract by as much as 7.1% in 2020, to an all-time low of roughly -8.5%. A wide range of industries came to an abrupt halt during the national lockdown, with businesses across the board struggling to stay afloat – mass job cuts, and for many others, pay cuts, loom.

COVID-19: impact on banks and expectations on regulated entities

In response to the COVID-19 emergency, the South African Reserve Bank (Reserve Bank) and the South African financial sector regulators, the Prudential Authority and the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), have implemented several mitigation measures to support the economy and companies.

Business insolvencies to increase by +2% in 2019

Business insolvencies is expected to increase by +2% in South Africa in 2019 (after +3% in 2018). This is the first outright deteriorations since 2009 and the global financial crisis.


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