Tag: commodity prices
Legal opportunities in mining – unlocking new potential
Legal opportunities in mining are rapidly expanding as South Africa’s mining sector continues to evolve. This offers significant growth and policy influence. In recent months, a wave of international law firms has closed their doors in South Africa. They cite challenges like economic uncertainty. As a mining lawyer, I have a deep-rooted belief in this country’s potential.
Key economic indicators & how they impact currency markets
The volatility of the South African Rand (ZAR) against the US Dollar (USD) and other major currencies is a trend that is keeping many South Africans up at night. How well the USD performs and how it impacts the value of the ZAR, is greatly impacted by factors such as the US employment figures, inflation rates and gross domestic product (GDP) data, pronouncements by the US Federal Reserve (Fed), and locally, South Africa’s trade balance, GDP, inflation levels, unemployment figures, and guidance from the South African Reserve Bank about monetary policy.
Major banks analysis – solid foundations, challenging conditions
South Africa’s major banks registered resilient growth against difficult operating conditions and a complex macroeconomic environment. Combined headline earnings growth of 13.8% against FY22 to R113.2 billion, combined ROE of 17.6% (FY22: 17.1%), net interest margin of 458 bps (FY22: 430 bps), credit loss ratio of 102 bps (FY22: 82 bps), cost-to-income ratio of 52.2% (FY22: 53%), common equity tier ratio of 13.2% (FY22: 13.5%).
Budget 2024 – mixed expectations in an election year
With the budget speech being delivered in an election year, I expect to hear populist promises and over-optimism which is geared more to voters than the financial markets. We will need to scrutinise the numbers coming out of the budget very carefully to see if Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s budget proposals are viable and achievable given the country’s high debt burden and strained tax base.
Navigating Rand volatility
The South African Rand has endured considerable volatility recently, attributed to a myriad of global factors including commodity price fluctuations, financial market risk perceptions, and local political uncertainty. Amid this turbulence, South African individuals and businesses engaged in trade and investment have encountered both challenges and opportunities.
Understanding the importance of digital transformation in mines
At the end of last year, the world’s leading 40 mining companies had a combined revenue of approximately $925 billion. In fact, the net profits of these organisations grew by 127% on the back of high commodity prices and prudent cost management.
What are interest rates and how do they affect you?
Interest rates have gone up several times in the last few months in South Africa, and it looks like they will keep rising for the foreseeable future. So, this begs the question: what are interest rates, why are they rising, and how do they affect you?
Attractive investment opportunities for those who can navigate the current fear...
Significant uncertainty, marked by rampant inflation, fears of a looming recession and growing geopolitical risk, clouds the near-term global outlook. The knee-jerk reaction is to retreat to safe assets and preserve capital until the storm has blown over.
2022 insurance state of the market – SA market trends
In our 2022 Insurance State of the Market report, we have unpacked key global insurance market trends as well as local trends that are affecting the insurance market in a volatile and unpredictable world.
What a new world order might mean for the global economy
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened fault lines between nations which will affect trade relations and investment for years to come. The war in Ukraine is already having a significant effect on inflation and activity in the world economy as commodity prices have soared and supply chains have been disrupted.