Tag: Code of Ethics
ESD programmes white paper – assessing SMME impact
There is a problem with Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) programmes in South Africa. We are finding out the nature of the problem and what can do about it. South Africa has a strong financial and capacity development landscape for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs).
What to consider when choosing the right financial planner
As we journey through life – from our first jobs to marriage and children, retirement and planning your estate – it is essential to have a certified financial planner. They can guide us through every stage in life, helping us to save enough and leave a legacy for our loved ones.
Franchising should be professionalised
Franchising worldwide continues having a 90% success rate as opposed to 10% for those starting a business on their own and whilst the sector in South Africa contributes around R721 billion to the country’s GDP. Yet there are still many businesses masquerading as franchises when in fact their business models are far from that of a franchise.
Professional bodies unite as corruption and state capture complaints against members...
Six professional bodies have embarked on a ground-breaking initiative to pool their resources and institutional knowledge to foster a culture of accountability and restore credibility to the country’s private and public sectors.