Tag: Christel Botha
Understanding the roles of those nominated in your will
Estate planning means making a plan for taking care of your nearest and dearest and dealing with everything you own and owe when you pass away. A will or testament is a legal document where you leave instructions on how you want your family to be taken care of, and who will inherit assets like property, jewellery, cars or investments that you own.
What to consider before drafting your will
In South Africa we are fortunate to have freedom of testation, or simply put, if you are 16 years and older, you can choose whom the beneficiaries of your earthly possessions will be after your demise. As such, it is important that your Will is properly executed.
What makes a valid will?
Your will is one of the most important documents on which you ever have to place your signature. It is your last wishes on earth and the document that determines how your assets should be divided, nominates an executor and trustee to take care of the division of the estate's assets and to handle the administration of any trust assets.