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Tag: carbon credits

Green steel production – paving the way for a carbon-neutral future

Steel is one of the most commonly manufactured materials in the world, because it has such a wide variety of uses – steel is everywhere, from construction to vehicles, home goods to robotics. Steel production is also hugely carbon intensive, representing a significant proportion of global man-made carbon emissions. In the universal quest for Net Zero and carbon neutral, green steel production is critical.

Africa lays the groundwork for a future of electric vehicles

The fast-evolving emobility sector presents a significant opportunity for sustainable growth and job creation in Africa, but some constraints need to be overcome. Many South Africans who struggle every day to reach their places of work using minibus taxis or cars on congested motorways may find it hard to believe that an emobility revolution is about to happen. But there are a number of trends moving in that direction.

How Web 3.0 is shaping the future of sustainability

Sustainable societies assume natural resources are finite and aim to practice environmental protection that promotes balance between humans and nature. Adapting sustainability measures can save money in addition to environmental impacts.

Greenwashing – what is it and how can it be avoided?

Greenwashing is the practice of giving the wrong impression, providing false information, or fabricating a story about how a company and its products, or an investment solution, are environmentally friendly or beneficial in an environmental, social or governance (ESG) context.


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How to Know If You Have ADHD

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Is ADHD Overdiagnosed?

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What Is ADHD Paralysis?

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