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Tag: baby boomers

Business travel wellness – the fine line between care & overindulgence

In the modern era of corporate travel, companies are investing heavily in ensuring the well-being of their employees on the move. From ergonomic travel tools to nutritious meals on the go, the focus has shifted from merely reaching a destination to ensuring the holistic wellbeing of the traveller. But as businesses lean heavily into this trend, a pertinent question emerges: Are we taking it too far?

Optimising employee benefits for a multi-generational workforce

Different life stages mean employees have different needs which require focused attention. Most companies in SA are feeling the pinch of a skills shortage. In the battle for talent, optimising benefits is an important lever that many organisations can do more with.

Keeping a workforce happy on the move – from baby boomers...

For the first time in history, there are five generations in the workplace. From Generation Z (Gen Z) to the silent generation, the diversity of life stages is the most complicated it's been in history. In the same way that corporate culture and policies are evolving to stamp out issues like the “wage gap”, organisations need to address the issues created by the “age gap”.

Cross-generational collaboration – embrace the generation gap for success

I find it interesting to learn about the different perspectives that each generation has on the generational divide. As a member of the baby boomer generation, I remember living through the "generation gap" of the 1960s and early 1970s, where there was much turmoil, anguish, and misunderstanding caused by the length of hair gap between fathers and sons, not to mention the business of burning bras, which divided mothers and daughters.

How to communicate with different generations via email

There are 3.9 billion email users in the world, across every generation. But, while every generation uses it, some use it differently to others. How can you customise your emails, so they connect with the generation you’re talking to?

Generational workplace collaboration

Each and every working environment is different and this can be challenging to navigate – particularly when different generations have to work together. This is because each generation has its own way of working and typically believes that their way of working is better.

Millennials disrupt traditional notions of business success

By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce and their growing influence on business is rapidly redefining our notion of success. Unlike baby boomers, whose aspirations centred around working their way up the corporate ladder, millennials gravitate towards entrepreneurship and the flexibility, innovation, creativity and purpose associated with start-up businesses.

PODCAST | The risk of millennials in the workplace

PODCAST An interview with Alex Roberts, Regional Director, Sales and Operations, and Jessica Knight, Strategic Manager Product & Channel, CURA Software Solutions, and Dr Ivor Blumenthal,...

The risk of millennials in the workplace

According to the Pew Research Centre, millennials have surpassed all other generations as the largest portion of the global workforce. This fact may be met with trepidation and discomfort from some Generation Xers (or baby boomers, as they are commonly known), who often assume millennials to be entitled, tough to manage, narcissistic, self-interested and an affront to the work ethic that is characteristic of the X generation (Gen-X).


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