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Pension funds & emigration – tax impact

Investing in an offshore retirement fund is one way of growing your wealth in a stable economy over the longer term, or even gaining residency in a foreign country. However, for South Africans, this scenario presents as many challenges as it does opportunities and should only be considered after consulting with a financial adviser and tax expert.

Key philosophies for wealth creation in turbulent markets

In the midst of buoyant equity markets and impressive returns, the prudent investor recognises the imperative of fortifying their wealth against a risk premium. As markets surge and fluctuate, the need for astute wealth management strategies becomes ever more important – particularly for South Africans who need to measure and manage their wealth in global terms.

Considerations for pre- & post-retirement investors

The global economic backdrop continues to improve gradually but great amounts of uncertainty remain. While most of the major central banks are now likely at the peak of their rate hiking cycles, inflation remains sticky and sustained high levels of interest rates are having a dampening impact on economic growth.

Regulation 28 and the paradox of choice

In February 2022, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana amended the maximum offshore investment limit for Regulation 28 retirement funds from 30% of assets to 45%. But data shows that most funds haven’t maximised their exposure to the new limit, begging the question: why?

Wealthy families risk losing their wealth in 2nd and 3rd generations

For many years, the concept of self-made success was considered by many to be the ‘making of the man’, with each generation expected to prove their self-worth by being at least as financially successful as the generation before. However, the adage of shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations continues to this day, with a recent Harvard Business Review article by Stark and Foley finding that 70% of wealthy families studied lost their wealth within the second generation, and 90% within the third.

There are two sides to every coin

Progressively more articles are appearing warning that the South African economy is heading for a total implosion. The sentiment is incredibly bearish on the ground and South Africans are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Halting globalisation is a key concern for inflation

If globalisation was powerful for disinflation, de-globalisation is the reverse. We have reached peak globalisation. The world has reached the limits of economic and political integration. The result is the partial reversal of one of the most important deflationary forces at play in global economies.

Making sense of investment cycles

Equity markets have been under considerable selling pressure in 2022, as investors anticipate that stubbornly high inflation will cause central banks to raise short-term interest rates multiple times this year. At the same time, expectations for global economic growth have been revised downwards, following further disruptions to global supply chains on the back of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s strict COVID-19 lockdown measures.

The effects of the war on South African and global economies

The prolonged Russia-Ukraine war is ushering in a new era of volatility and possible recession for South Africa and the world. When Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivered his maiden budget speech in February 2022, little did he know that Russia would invade Ukraine the very next day, immediately changing both the world and South Africa’s economic outlook for 2022 and beyond.

Post-pandemic investment opportunities are everywhere, but so is the risk

‘When one door closes, another one opens,’ as the saying goes, and this is particularly true when it comes to investments. Economic recovery is on the horizon, and while it is expected and somewhat priced in by present market activity, investors are more interested in looking at what lies ahead. And here there may be some opportunities.


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