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BOOK REVIEW | The Attention Fix

Are you increasingly distracted, demotivated and unable to focus on simple tasks? There's a good chance your smartphone is to blame. In the always-on age of notifications, emails and the news cycle, it's easy to waste the majority of our days mindlessly scrolling.

Mind over money matters – taking steps to nurture a financial...

Like it or not, money lies at the very core of modern society. When considering financial wellbeing as the balance point between life hurdles or hardships and comfortable adjustment, the importance of money matters is apparent, explains psychologist Dr Erika Hitge.

Nutritious foods to combat chronic stress in the workplace

In today's fast-paced work environment, chronic stress has become a prevalent issue due to long hours and demanding schedules. This lifestyle often leads to detrimental health effects, particularly in relation to employees' dietary choices, as time constraints push them toward unhealthy options. 

BOOK REVIEW | Meditation for Business

A full-colour, illustrated step-by-step guide to more than 60 techniques that can be used to release stress and anxiety, improve productivity and problem-solving, enhance listening skills and interpersonal relationships, and increase the quality of one’s work-life.

The importance of psychological fitness

You’re most likely familiar with the definition of fitness, as it applies to your body. If considered fit, you might be able to run, swim or cycle for longer periods or at high intensity, with your body easily accommodating the exertion.

HR is not just a nice-to-have, but a business imperative

Pandemic-related uncertainty and stress saw human resource (HR) departments emerge as valuable partners in ensuring business continuity and success. The role of HR practitioners has evolved, and they are now more important than ever as crucial support structures for employees and facilitators of their overall wellbeing.

BOOK REVIEW | Worrier State

Worrier State looks at the pervasive culture of fear in South Africa. It reveals how narratives of fear manifest in contemporary media forms and the people they serve, and how these are impacted by race, class, gender, space and identity.

Leading change successfully

Change, like death and taxes, is inevitable, and the last couple of years of the COVID-19 pandemic have brought global changes inconceivable before. Meeting clients, friends and family online for a quick Zoom catch-up (I don’t think I’d ever attended a virtual meeting before COVID-19), working remotely (previously, that was almost unheard of, and only for the lucky few), and having to, if you’ll excuse the cliché, pivot to make yourself and your business relevant in this new world are just a few examples of change many of us have had to cope with.

Current economic crisis: you want to retrench, now what?

As a result of the current economic crisis that the world faces, organisational change is an unfortunate reality for many businesses. This can lead to changes in the market as businesses adopt Working From Home (WFH), shifts in business strategies, the need to optimise processes, has already led to job losses and retrenchments.

Now everyone is a futurist? The arrogance is astounding!

It is little wonder that we no longer sleep. Who in their right mind could drift into peaceful oblivion, when the person next to you in the bed could be the person who is harboring the virus that could see us shuffling off this mortal coil?


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