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Tag: Ahmore Burger-Smidt

Public procurement agreements should not have confidentiality clauses

The Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA) is an empowering piece of legislation and allows that secretes cannot be hidden in the shadows. The matter of The Health Justice Initiative vs The Minister of Health provides insight from a regulatory point of view, not only since it has consequences for the privacy and information regime but also the procurement regime.

AI gaining traction in farming

Adding value one industry at a time, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a fundamental tool in advancing technologies and enhancing various aspects of businesses all around the world. The agriculture industry is no exception. AI farming, also known as smart farming is gaining traction as many farmers have embraced a range of innovative AI-driven instruments.

Comments called for on the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill

The Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2022 (the Bill), has been published for comment and aims to introduce an array of significant amendments to the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005 (ECA).

Enforcement notice issued against the SAPS

It was with great shock that the South African society learned about the rape of several women near Krugersdorp in July 2022. But what was more worrisome was the shock of the victims upon realising that their personal details such as names, residential addresses and occupations appeared on social media platforms!

ChatGPT – yet another hurdle for data privacy?

ChatGPT is an OpenAI developed artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot which has been programmed to have advanced conversational capabilities. This means that the chatbot can answer questions and assist users with composing essays, emails and even writing code in response to certain inputs.

Employee privacy risk potholes to avoid

Employees are expected to remember and adhere to numerous policies, including privacy policies. Poster campaigns are rolled out to reinforce positive behaviour and still when we consider data breaches it is often unbelievable how the mistake that resulted in the breach could have possibly occurred.

Your actions in cyberspace can now land you in prison

By proclamation in the Gazette, President Cyril Ramaphosa has fixed 1 December 2021 as the date on which certain sections of the Cybercrimes Act, 19 of 2020 (Cybercrimes Act/the Act) come into operation.  This means that the Act is now enforceable.

Massive data breach in SA – did Experian do enough?

In mid-August 2020, approximately 23.4 million South Africans' personal information was compromised. The data breach was announced by Experian South Africa on 19 August 2020. Correctly, Experian issued a notification to the Information Regulator, but is this enough? Experian stated that 'no consumer credit or consumer financial information was obtained', but what information was then the subject of the breach?

‘Coronacriminals’ using phishing attacks

Let us not doubt the fact that cybercriminals are looking to exploit the spread of Coronavirus to conduct cyberattacks and drive hacking campaigns.

POPIA finally comes into effect 1 April 2020

POPIA, the Protection of Personal Information Act, is to come into full effect this year, on 1 April 2020.


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