Molefe vs Gordhan
The [fake] case of state protection failing employment justice?
Given how I have spent the last twenty or so years of my career, I tend at second blush when evaluating individuals in their careers to view them through an employment relations lens (and with those higher profile employees a bit of governance oversight thrown in).
AFRICA’s SKILLS GAP – radical intervention needed!
The dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is here.
Sthe Shabangu, Lead: Public Relations, Public Affairs and Corporate Citizenship, Samsung Africa asks whether we are doing enough to ensure Africa is ready.
Africa is standing before a small window of opportunity to grow future-ready leaders equipped to take on a new era of industry.
KPMG in South Africa has launched a Learnership Incentive Tax Tool (LITT), an app that provides an additional tax deduction for registered learnerships.
The objectives of this tax incentive are to encourage the creation of jobs by reducing the cost of hiring new employees, offering learnerships and to encourage skills development in the workplace.
Review applications & post-transfer realities
When contemplating the purchase of a business as a going concern, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate due diligence of the respective business.
State Capture vs Radical Economic Transformation
It’s all about who owes what and how much of it as well as the colour of the owner - and a deep rooted grievance which still has to be settled.
1994 gave us temporary reprieve - but the Rainbow experiment has ended - and we're all to be blamed for it. In 2007, the so-called 'second phase' of the National Democratic Revolution was adopted in Polokwane. It advanced in 2012 in Mangaung. Business did not take any of that seriously - they thought (perhaps hoped) that things would remain the same. It didn't.
Next-generation enterprises to encourage collaboration
The effective next-generation digital workplace is not just a traditional workplace enabled by digital technologies. In order to perform as a fully-fledged digital enterprise, organisations need a complete mind-set shift in terms of operations and culture.
Fair & responsible remuneration critical
Executive remuneration has become a symbol of inequality in today’s global economic order.
Shareholders are becoming more active in demanding that executive pay is more closely linked to results and stakeholders want a broader focus on the context in which the organisation operates.
Workplace whistle blowers are protected
Employees who report employers for committing illegal or otherwise irregular acts are protected, in the first instance, by the Constitution of South Africa.
Practical skills training imperative!
In a business environment that is now largely driven by innovative IT and software, there is massive demand for skilled and highly trained IT professionals. Sadly, as has been well documented, there is an increasingly dire shortage of these individuals in the local sphere.
Google trains 1 million in digital skills!
Google announced that it has reached the 1 million milestone in its Digital Skills programme.
On 16th April 2016, the company committed to training...