Digital platforms ‘can reduce critical medical errors’
Greater adoption of digital platforms and strengthening the digital healthcare ecosystem will significantly reduce medical and drug errors in both the private and public healthcare sectors, leading to improved patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs.
Open banking for SMEs and financial management integration
Open banking and open finance are buzzwords in the financial sector that have been sparking curiosity. They are frameworks that allow authorised third-party providers (companies or services that offer financial products/services to consumers) to access financial data from banks and other institutions via secure application programming interfaces (APIs).
The South African government started discussing the NHI (National Health Insurance) in 2003. After several poor attempts at starting, most people thought that a fully funded first-world healthcare system could never become a reality. Furthermore, the role of medical schemes was not clear since no policy direction exists in this regard from the Department of Health. Many medical schemes have since come out supporting the NHI, realising there is room for collaboration and more fundamental co-existence of the two healthcare systems.
Report potential insurance claims as soon as possible
Insurance claims can be repudiated for many varying reasons – from the most obvious to the least expected reasons. One of the best ways of trying to avoid an insurance repudiation is to understand your contractual duties stemming from your policy.
Liability claims – when to notify?
Typically, an insurance policy stipulates that notice of a claim must be given as soon as possible or within the time limit stipulated by the policy. While this may seem simple enough with a straight-forward assets policy, liability insurance is markedly different.
BusinessBrief December/January 2020/21 edition is now available!
Read our exclusive cover story titled THE SMART ECONOMY | HOW IS CUSTOMER DIGITALISATION DRIVING BANKING CHANGE? by Wouter Kielblock, Chief Operations Officer, Corporate and Institutional Banking, Investec, as well a host of other topical management articles written by professionals, consultants and academics in the December/January 2020/21 edition of BusinessBrief.
COID claims do not need to be painful
Claiming from the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases fund (COID) for workplace injuries is viewed by many business owners as a needlessly difficult and time-consuming process.
SURVEY | Signifying opportunities & challenges for the banking sector
While the African banking market has seen withdrawal of global banks over the last 5 years, the opportunity for localised banking has seen the opposite, driven by the expansion of African banking groups into the continent, led mostly by South African, West African, and Northern African banks.
Momentum’s monumental mistake and the perils of mob-rule
The executives of Momentum insurance appeared recently to have been coerced under popular pressure into making payment of a void policy, thereby upending over 250 years of sound global application of the common law.
Technology is transforming the insurance industry
The insurance industry has been characterised as traditionalist and conservative - an industry that is slow to change with limited consumer reach.
Technology innovations...